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Zippy Valley Auto Glass

Northridge Auto Glass Experts - Your Windshield Solution!

(818) 284-4899

Windshield Crack Repair

Throughout the almost two decades that we have been open for business at Zippy Valley Auto Glass, we have had a number of customers who have put off getting a windshield crack repair service only to find themselves in the position of having to get a more intrusive car window replacement later. Many automobile owners simply don’t understand that the longer they wait to fix minor glass damage when living in this awesome climate that we enjoy in the San Fernando Valley, that the greater the risk they are putting both themselves and their automobile passengers in. All modern automobiles are designed to rely on the integrity of the windshield of the vehicle remaining intact for the front air bags to work properly. As those small cracks on the car’s glass start to grow, this risk only increases. If you have found yourself in this position, then you should take a minute and give our team a call as soon as you have time to decide for our mobile service. We will come to any location that works for you in the local area to fix your car glass. We often visit our customers at their homes, places of work, or even the closest gas station parking lot that has available parking to work on your auto glass.

If the area is safe, our team will travel there to help get your vehicle’s glass restored so you can be back up and running as quickly as possible. We recommend that if you don’t have anything that you see wrong with your car glass today that you make sure to check the condition of the glass at least every time that you get gas for your vehicle. This will ensure that you never go too long with new chips or cracks in the glass forming without taking action to fix the damage. If you have not been in the habit of conducting this type of inspection, then you should start as soon as you can. If you have any questions regarding our auto glass repair services, then please take time to give us a call today. We will always give you a free estimate on our work.

(818) 284-4899